Money Breakthrough Coaching:

Because something amazing happens when you stop trying to figure out money all alone!

Dear Friend,

A vast majority of people want help demystifying why they keep repeating unconscious, self-sabotaging money habits, breaking free of their “glass money ceiling” so they can make and keep more money, and creating empowering money habits so they can begin to experience the richness that the universe intends for them.

This letter is written especially for you if you:

  • Under earn, even though you know you are worth so much more
  • Frequently find yourself short of money, despite trying to make more
  • Want to achieve a new level of success in your business or career, but something always seems to be preventing you from making significant progress toward your goals
  • Have a hard time charging people for your services or talking about your fees.
  • Wish someone would hand you a debt payoff plan that feels liberating
  • Are ready to transform your deepest fears regarding money into enlightened and joyful action
  • Want to create the wealth for you and your family that you’ve always desired
  • Want PERSONAL coaching to help you make these life-changing, important breakthroughs

I accept clients into this program by conversation only! If you feel like you are ready to take action and experience these money breakthroughs, then I invite you to schedule a complimentary conversation with me so we can make sure it is a good fit. I can’t wait to speak with you about this incredible opportunity.

Whether you’re a motivated woman, a start-up business owner , an entrepreneur or a corporate employee, you can break free of unconscious self-sabotaging money habits, gain control of your relationship with money and discover how easy it can be to make more . . .and keep more of what you make.

We have the process of handling money in our life, business and relationships completely upside down. We think we’re supposed to ‘be practical’ so we try to budget, create spreadsheets and run our money life as if it’s detached from any emotions and habits. Inwardly, we hope and pray, telling ourselves that somehow it’s all going to magically change. But, how can it when we are doing the same things we have always done.

This approach is backwards and naïve, and it flat out doesn’t work. It’s stressing us out and making us feel as if we’ll never break through our glass money ceiling. And because money is at the center of every decision we make in our lives, there’s no getting around it. Sooner or later there’s a wake-up call that happens for each of us.

So…is there an upside? Is there an empowered action to be taken? YES! And here it is…

What if:

  • FIRST – you got clear on how you actually wanted to feel about money?
  • You consciously chose a new approach to making more money, keeping and spending consciously and even just being able to talk about it in a way that felt natural, simple and most of all, do-able?
  • Your new money consciousness and the skills that back it up became the grounding, positive influence for you enriching your life?

You know what will happen with this kind of inner clarity and outer skills?

  • You’ll feel the way you really want to feel about money. You’ll make decisions easer. You’ll be more positive.
  • You’ll feel a surge in your self-worth. And you’ll see an increase in your net worth.
  • You’ll know how to have open-hearted and productive money conversations.
  • You’ll have more money for the people, experiences and goodies you want in your life.
  • You’ll have more to give because you’ll know what to say yes to, and what to say no to.
  • You’ll feel empowered to make new choices that make you happier.
  • You’ll be confident in discussing fees with your clients.

If you’re interested in creating a money breakthrough in your life or business, then this unique opportunity applies to you.
Let’s have a conversation to make sure it’s a great fit.

Schedule Now!

You’re going to LOVE Money Breakthrough Method® coaching if:

  • You want the answer to breaking free of your past family money legacy. Because while your family probably meant well, you’re not that child anymore. You’re ready to say YES to creating financial freedom on your terms.
  • You need clarity, a new perspective, and insightful coaching so you can get yourself unstuck from the pesky money issues that are holding you back in your personal life or in your business
  • You want to be handed a done-for-you, simple system showing you exactly what to do with money in your life or business. As in NOW. Because in this case, ignorance isn’t bliss.
  • You keep thinking “money shouldn’t matter” – but you end up paying a lot of attention to juggling it and just plain worrying about it. This isn’t freedom, it’s crazy-making and you deserve better, starting now.
  • You find spending makes you feel good, but your bank account isn’t happy at all with those frequent splurges.
  • You feel tense, anxious or even fearful when having money conversations with your significant other, family, clients, the bank, or whoever. Wouldn’t you rather feel confident, at ease, and empowered? Life changes for the positive when you do.
  • You have something you’re passionate about accomplishing in your life – starting or growing a business, paying off your mortgage, paying off debt, sending your kid to an amazing college – yet you’re unclear how you can make this happen given your current income and money habits.

As A Result Of Money Breakthrough Method® Coaching You Will Feel …

Empowered. Brave. Powerful. Courageous. Happy. Confident. Aligned. Clear. Inspired. Ready. Renewed.

With Money Breakthrough Method® Coaching You’ll Have What You Want – More Money and the Freedom that Comes With It.

Here’s how Money Breakthrough Method® Coaching Works:

  1. You get 6 interactive and incredibly inspiring coaching calls with me on each aspect of the Money Breakthrough Method® system, we will do these calls on the phone over a targeted 90 day time frame.
  2. Exciting, step by step exercises I’ll personally coach you through, to ensure that you dive deep and get the full benefit of this powerful work.
  3. Downloadable handouts & templates that make tracking your Money Breakthrough progress easy and effortless
  4. Pre-Call Planning tool to ensure we make the most of our coaching time together
  5. Personalized practical action steps after each coaching session, designed to help you apply what you are learning so it really sticks
  6. Customized coaching opportunities for your specific circumstances

I’ve designed this coaching program to go DEEP and to get you moving to take EMPOWERED ACTION around money.

Because I love this content and want you to make huge progress with money, I’m including these generous BONUSES with your program:

Bonus 1 – “Make Progress Now” – Quick Start Call – Value $325

Bonus 2 – “Building Momentum” – Bonus Coaching Call – Value $150

Bonus 3 – Private Client Portal for sharing progress and reviewing materials – Value $150

Bonus 4 – Online access between coaching calls. This keeps us connected and keeps you making progress between our scheduled calls. – Value Priceless

Here’s a sampling of the modules I’ll personally coach you
through in this exclusive program…

Module #1 "The Money Breakthrough Method®"

  • You’ll experience a shift right down to your core, releasing each of the outdated money fears or worries that are keeping you awake at night. It’s time these are out of your life for good!
  • You’ll create new money beliefs that feel completely authentic, down deep in your soul

Module #2 “Healing Your Family’s Money Legacy”

  • You’ll let go of past hurts and unintentional mistakes and learn the underlying wisdom & truth of your family’s money legacy
  • You’ll uncover sneaky self-sabotaging money behaviors and learn what to do to create new money habits you’ll embrace and love
  • You’ll transform resentment or judgment into forgiveness with one powerful exercise

Module #3 “How to Forgive Debt and Other Guilty Money Issues From The Past”

  • You’ll get a specific how-to plan for forgiving debt and releasing guilty money challenges from the past
  • You’ll discover how to accelerate paying down debt without having to budget or scrimp (freeing you at the same time to begin making more)
  • You’ll feel the healing power of releasing guilt, shame or resentment, restoring your self-worth to create a more brilliant future

Module #4 “Practical Business Building Money Tools”

  • You’ll learn how to release resistance from your life, while discovering step-by-step, what to do to earn, save and spend consciously
  • You’ll get the 3 empowering principles that put your finger firmly on the pulse of money in a business
  • You’ll get a simple system that gives you x-ray vision and insight into the ‘money side’ of a business, plus you’ll create strong and positive emotional connections to making more money in your business

Module #5 “The Real Secret to Creating More Profit In Any Business”

  • You’ll discover a fascinating and intuitive way of “hearing” the story your numbers are telling you
  • You’ll get a step-by-step system to make money decisions easily and with confidence
  • You’ll learn what to do to avoid being caught by surprise with unexpected expenses, plus what to let go of to create greater profits and less stress

By now you’re probably curious,
“Lori, this sounds exciting, but what’s my investment?”

Considering that money is at the heart of every decision you make …

If you could eliminate the conflicting emotions, the arguments with your significant other, the guilt and any doubts that are holding you back, what would be possible for you in your life, business or career?

If you could dramatically up-level your sense of your value, so that you were playing big in your business and in your life, how much would that make a difference for you?

Knowing that money influences every aspect of your life and business, aren’t you MORE than willing to invest in yourself and create a money breakthrough for yourself?

And if not for yourself, then for the ones you love?

Schedule Now!

So . . . are you ready to take empowered action to break through to your next income level, effortlessly clean up money messes, and finally free yourself from debt or under earning and embrace the reality of living an awesome life filled with financial freedom?

Schedule Now!

Take empowered action,


P.S. Think of the next money conversation you’re likely to have…wouldn’t it feel amazing to know what to say, stand in your power – with compassion – and experience a money breakthrough? This and so much more can happen for you. Let’s get you started now because if you’re serious about creating greater financial freedom then don’t you owe yourself this life changing moment? You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Still Undecided?

Ask me any question about the Money Breakthrough Method® Coaching program, and I’ll help you decide if it’s right for you.

Email me at [email protected] with “question about MBM” in the subject.  I will be in touch ASAP.

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